Digital Membership
Digital membership for West Midlands manufacturing, engineering and technology companies.
Become a digital member
The Technology Supply Chain has been custom-tailored for manufacturing, engineering and technology companies.
Digital membership is complimentary and is aimed at those businesses that are not able to invest in full membership or who want to learn more about us first.
You will enjoy:
- Weekly e-newsletters with ideas, grants, support and innovation and growth opportunities
- Access to our complimentary breakfast briefings- with learning and networking opportunities
- Invites to our popular half-day conferences for manufacturing companies
- Exclusive sponsorship opportunities for our events and Innovation Awards
- 10% discount on Innovation Awards tickets
You can upgrade to become a TSC or Executive member at any time. These memberships have been designed to support business owners, MDs and executives who want to grow.
Complete the below to become a digital member
Membership Packages
The Technology Supply Chain supports the growth of manufacturing, engineering and technology companies by connecting them with grants, fully funded support and new opportunities.
Executive Member
Our most advanced plan. Carefully selected referrals, exclusive connections, invitations to influential political dinners
Free workshops
TSC weekly newsletter
Exclusive sponsor opportunities
Discount on tickets (20%)
Discovery Meetings
Profile in the TSC newsletter
Invites to exclusive events
Direct connections to members
Networking events
Attend dinners and awards
Promotions at TSC events
Exclusive roundtables
Attend political dinners
Carefully selected referrals
Exclusive access to connections
2 spaces at the Innovation Awards
Click Here
Recommended for those who want to grow their business or develop their career.
TSC Member
Over 4,000 people trust us to deliver opportunities to grow their business with a super package of benefits
Free workshops
TSC weekly newsletter
Exclusive sponsor opportunities
Discount on tickets (10%)
Discovery Meetings
Profile in the TSC newsletter
Invites to exclusive events
Direct connections to members
Networking events
Attend dinners and awards
Promotions at TSC events
Exclusive roundtables
Attend political dinners
Carefully selected referrals
Exclusive access to connections
2 spaces at the Innovation Awards
Click Here
Recommended for MDs and business owners who wnat to raise their profile.
Digital Member
Try our free membership today. Includes TSC newsletter and invites to our free workshops. Upgrade anytime.
Free for life
Free workshops
TSC weekly newsletter
Exclusive sponsor opportunities
Discount on tickets (10%)
Discovery Meetings
Profile in the TSC newsletter
Invites to exclusive events
Direct connections to members
Networking events
Attend dinners and awards
Promotions at TSC events
Exclusive roundtables
Attend political dinners
Carefully selected referrals
Exclusive access to connections
2 spaces at the Innovation Awards
Click Here
Ideal for firms looking for grants, funded support and new opportunities.
What our members say...
“I’ve been meaning to drop you an email to thank you. We’re making progress and ploughing through the list of referrals you made for us. We are currently working with 8 of your referrals.
We still have many more projects in the pipeline and will be contacting more of the people you kindly introduced us to as soon as we complete some of the projects already started.
Who knew so much help was available!
Thank you, Richard.”

Thanks for the below, these mails are an excellent resource for businesses such as ours.
I was infact talking about the work you do with a good friend of mine, David Bacon whom runs a manufacturing business in Lincolnshire, and was envious of the support provided by the Technology Supply Chain.

From day one, we have had active referrals from the Technology Supply Chain. By working closely with the team, we have turned many of these into new clients. The TSC’s discovery meetings and active support with referrals sets them apart from other membership organisations.
We enjoy working with the TSC, speaking at their events and supporting their members. We are busy with referrals and look forward to meeting more Patrons at their exclusive dinners.
Catax are delighted to be Patrons and the Headline Sponsor for the Innovation Awards. We highly recommend getting involved with both